14 Black professionals share their advice for your career journey

“There’s nothing quite like receiving a job (or internship) offer. It’s almost always a moment filled with excitement, promise, and much-deserved celebration! But for Black new hires, especially those just taking the first steps in their career journey, such moments may also come with complex feelings attached. Particularly for those entering an underrepresented field or function, questions might arise: “Will I be treated with respect here? Will I be the only person of color on my team? Will I be the first Black hire my manager has ever made?”

One of the best ways to combat these feelings of isolation and return to the joyous celebration part of a new career is to arm yourself with wisdom from people who’ve been there. Some day, you’ll be able to return the favor for the next generation!”

Read the article from Handshake.

By Mary [uConnect]
Mary [uConnect] Customer Success Manager