How to Ask a Professor for Research Opportunities:
- Research the Professors and their background
- Look on Linked In
- Search for faculty profiles on RUN’s website
- Email them!
- Have a professional introduction
- Introduce Yourself and who you are
- Mention the reason you are emailing them
- Always go above and beyond as to why you know about them
- Be specific on what you are asking, be direct
- Why would this opportunity add to your goals?
- What is your availability?
- Be willing to meet, in-person/zoom
- Take charge and schedule meeting.
- Why should they pick you?
- Show them why
- Attach your resume and transcript
- Follow-up if you don’t hear back in about 2 weeks but don’t pester them
- Be genuine in your approach
- Focus on the conversation in the moment, don’t think of the end goal