5 ways to continue advancing in your career

5 ways to continue advancing in your career was originally published on College Recruiter.

There are multiple ways to advance your career, and choosing the right strategies can help you rise in the ranks at your current workplace or discover new opportunities elsewhere. Regardless of your chosen approach, continuously advancing your career requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to embrace change. We’ll address five different ways to help you flourish throughout the process.

Continue advancing in your career:

Growing industries and your location

Consider the growing industries and assess your place of residence. There will be more opportunities for advancement in certain areas and sectors and, thus, a better chance to build a path to success.

For example, travel and hospitality, media, energy, security, and real estate are currently the fastest-growing industries in which to start a business. Meanwhile, California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Virginia are home to the fastest-growing firms in the U.S. But if you’re looking for opportunities outside corporate America, Singapore, Sweden, and New Zealand are great places to start, according to a recent study by Skynova on entrepreneurship.

Continuing your education

Developing a broader skill set is always a great idea! By continuing your education, you’ll gain more marketable skills and become an increasingly promising candidate for any promotions or jobs you apply for.

As the online world becomes increasingly relevant in our personal and professional lives, developing proficiency in areas like data entry and analysis, web design, SEO, and content creation can separate you from the pack during the job hunt or in pursuit of a promotion.

Otherwise, sharpening your soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management will make you a more well-rounded and distinguished worker.

Fostering work relationships

Networking is key! Cultivate relationships with your bosses, co-workers, and other people in your industry (via LinkedIn, for example) – you never know, they could help you get opportunities in the future.

But future job prospects aren’t the only reason you should foster your work relationships. Positive relationships can also improve collaboration, productivity, morale, and creativity.

Embracing remote work and the gig economy

Aside from the peace and quiet, remote work poses additional benefits for employees everywhere. According to Skynova’s study, 7 in 9 employed Americans reported being more productive while working from home, over half reported reduced stress, and just over two-thirds experienced fewer interruptions than at the office. Because of these perks, it’s no wonder that 88% of Americans said they’re happier working from the comfort of their own homes.

Starting your own business

When in doubt, why not become your own boss?

Skynova’s study revealed that the majority of entrepreneurs in the U.S. are over 40, but 37% are between the ages of 20 to 40, meaning you can explore the entrepreneurial lifestyle whenever it suits you best. As 42% of business owners attributed timing as a major key to their success, don’t hesitate to consider self-employment when you’re in a position to do so.

Empowering yourself

A systematic approach and ongoing effort are necessary for career advancement. Researching top industries to work in, continuing your education, building a strong professional network, leveraging remote work, and self-starting a business can all help you reach new professional heights. Keep in mind that developing your career is a lifelong adventure that demands determination and commitment, but the benefits can be substantial.

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.