The professional world can seem like a mystery. If you’ve just gotten your first internship, on-campus job, research opportunity, fellowship, or even if you just want to know what to expect in a workplace setting, we’re here to help!
Review these resources so you can feel prepared and confident navigating real-world work settings.

Do Your Research
The best way to know what to do and what’s expected in a work setting is to do your research. Reading blogs from reputable sources and setting your preferences to get a customized newsletter from the Career Development Center will help you stay informed and get practical tips for all career stages. This way you’ll know what employers and supervisors expect and how to make a great impression every day.
Discover the Unwritten Rules
There are some general standards that apply to many different fields and industries, but it’s important to know what the culture is like for your chosen field of study. Learn about your industry area so you’ll be even more prepared when you’re in a professional role. Sometimes it can feel like there’s a hidden curriculum that you might not have learned before taking a job. Keeping up with blogs and industry insights can help you get the inside scoop on what to expect!
Refine Your Skills
You’re never really done learning new skills to make you a valuable team member. Whether you’re looking to enhance your resume with a new technical skill, or enhance your transferable skills (like communication, problem solving, or conflict management), LinkedIn Learning can help you advance your career readiness, and it’s available free for Rutgers-Newark students.
Rate your career readiness and get customized resources to help you work towards your career goals. Get started with our career readiness self-assessment today!