Continuing your education in graduate or professional school can be a great option if it helps to support your career goals. While graduate school may lead to a higher salary, it’s not a guarantee. Think about the costs (time, effort, money)as you decide if a graduate degree is right for you. Here are a few ways that a graduate/professional degree can support your goals:
► The degree is required for your career goal
► The degree gives you knowledge or skills that you would not learn otherwise
► The degree allows you to change career direction
In some cases, the costs of attending graduate school may be covered by fellowships, stipends, scholarships, or other sources. These may be offered by the graduate program, but there may also be programs offered by employers that can provide financial support. Graduate study does not have to happen immediately after the Bachelor’s degree. In fact, there are many programs that expect or require candidates to show they have experience, through work, research, or other ways. Be sure to connect with professionals, faculty, staff, or others to learn more about your options. Learn about personal statements here.